The next School of Frontier Missions starts September 2019!
Are you ready for a cross-cultural experience?
Have you finished your DTS and are looking to learn more about working in frontier missions?
Come to Mendoza, Argentina to learn about frontier missions, unreached people groups, cross-cultural experiences and the 10/40 window.
This school trains missionaries to go into unreached areas and to be prepared for cross-cultural missions. Students learn biblical and practical principles so that they can be effective in their work with the unreached. Learn how to work in the 10/40 window. Do you have a pioneering spirit? This is the place for you!
The 6 month course combines a lecture phase and field assignment.
During the SOFM, students will be stretched and challenged as they seek God and prepare to leave as missionaries into the frontiers. The prerequisite for this school is a DTS.
Are their unreached people groups on your heart? Do you cry out for the lost? Come and learn beside us as God gives us His tools and wisdom of how to reach out to them.
Find out if God wants you to be in missions and prepare yourself to go into all the nations!
Write us for more info at: escuelasmendoza at!
Download the application and reference forms here.