The next Community Development DTS starts April 2019! Write us for more info.
This DTS has the same foundation as any other DTS and furthermore combines community development to create a beautiful blend of tools for reaching out to society around us. You will grow in your intimacy with God, your identity in Jesus and His dreams for your life and the power of restoration and healing. You will have many opportunities to be involved in mercy ministries and community development in our neighborhood, the city, the desert and in other nations during your Outreach!
The DTS is about character transformation, finding your identity in Christ, deepening your relationship with Him and showing others His love. Come be a part of live changing experiences!
Be a part of our Community development DTS and experience what God can do in your life and through you!
There’s also an opportunity for all DTS students to continue studying in Mendoza by taking the School of Frontier Missions, SOFM which starts in September and last 6 months.